Self-Sacrificing Treatment in Sydney

While looking after others is often admirable, it can quickly become detrimental when it leads to self-neglect and a cycle of self-sacrificing or subjugation. Cadence Psychology provides self-sacrificing treatment with trained clinical psychologists in Sydney so that you can start getting your own needs met with our effective interventions.

In this article we’ll delve into understanding self-sacrificing behaviour, its impact, and treatment options with Cadence Psychology in North Sydney.

What is Self-Sacrificing?

Self-sacrificing extends beyond mere helpfulness. It’s characterised by a persistent pattern where your own well-being consistently falls second to the perceived needs of others. This can manifest in various ways:

  • Prioritising others’ needs at the expense of your own health and happiness e.g. neglecting things that matter to you, not advocating for the things you want to do.
  • Feeling obligated to fulfill unrealistic expectations: Constantly striving to please others, even when it requires sacrificing your own values or boundaries.
  • Experiencing persistent resentment or anger, despite your efforts: The build-up of unmet needs creates frustration and bitterness, directed inwards or outwards.
  • Difficulty setting healthy boundaries: Feeling unable to say no or prioritise your own needs out of fear of disappointing or losing the approval of others.
  • Enabling unhealthy behaviors in others: Allowing destructive patterns to continue by rescuing or taking responsibility for someone else’s problems.

It’s crucial to understand that self-sacrifice isn’t generally driven by malicious intent. Often, it stems from a deep-seated desire to connect, belong, and be valued. Childhood experiences, cultural norms, or personality traits can contribute to ingrained patterns of prioritising others above oneself.

Unraveling the Web of Self-Sacrifice

Before diving deeper, let’s differentiate between healthy compassion and self-denial. Helping others is essential for fulfilling relationships and a healthy society. However, self-sacrifice crosses the line when it:

  • Comes at the expense of your own physical or mental well-being.
  • Creates feelings of resentment, anger, or exhaustion.
  • Neglects your personal needs and goals.
  • Enables unhealthy behaviors in others.

What Causes Self-Sacrificing Behaviour?

So, what drives this tendency? Several factors can contribute to self-sacrificing patterns:

Cultural Norms: Societal expectations of putting others first, especially within certain families or communities.“The ‘good daughter’ syndrome”
Childhood Experiences: Growing up in an environment where your needs were neglected or you felt responsible for others’ happiness.“Emotional parentification”
Personality Traits: Individuals with heightened empathy, low self-esteem, or codependency struggles.“People-pleasing tendencies”

The Hidden Toll of Self-Neglect

Ignoring your own needs for the sake of others can have severe consequences:

  • Emotional: Anxiety, depression, guilt, resentment, burnout.
  • Physical: Weakened immune system, chronic pain, sleep disturbances.
  • Relational: Difficulty setting boundaries, attracting unhealthy relationships, codependency.

Myths and Misconceptions

If you tend to self-sacrifice odds are you have some strong beliefs about the “goodness” of the behaviour. Here are some of the main myths and misconceptions about self-sacrificing:

Myth Truth
Being selfless is always good. Healthy self-care is essential for long-term well-being and ability to care for others.
Putting myself first hurts others. Setting healthy boundaries leads to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.
True happiness comes from putting others first. Neglecting your own needs leads to resentment and burnout.
My problems aren’t important compared to theirs. Minimizing your needs prevents you from accessing resources and resolving issues.
My family/friends/colleagues will judge me for being selfish. Setting healthy boundaries isn’t selfish.

How Cadence Psychology Can Help You Learn To Get Your Needs Met

At Cadence Psychology, we understand the challenge of dropping the habit of self-sacrificing and are committed to creating a safe, supportive space for individuals struggling to get what they want. We offer:

  • Experienced therapists: Specialised in treating self-sacrificing behaviors and their underlying causes.
  • Tailored therapy approaches: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and schema therapy.
  • Culturally-sensitive care: Respecting diverse backgrounds and values.

Making Therapy Easier For You

We know reaching out can be daunting. To make life easier Cadence Psychology offers:

  • Free intake consultations: Discuss your concerns and any questions you have about our psychologists.
  • Flexible scheduling: Appointments available evenings.
  • Online therapy: Convenient option for those facing accessibility challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it selfish to prioritise my own well-being?
Absolutely not. Taking care of yourself allows you to better care for others. Remember, prioritising your well-being is not selfish, it’s essential!

Will therapy judge me for neglecting my needs?
Our therapists offer a non-judgmental, supportive environment. We understand that there’s a real human story that brought you to the habit of self-sacrificing and our aim is to help you make sense of it so you can start getting your needs met. 

How long does it take to beat self-sacrificing?
Everyone is a little different here, based on how long they’ve been practicing self-sacrificing behaviour and the reasons it was adopted in the first place. However, evidence-based treatments such as schema therapy can often show shifts in around 8-10 sessions. 

Make An Appointment

Contact Cadence Psychology today and start your journey toward a healthier, happier you.

By taking the first step, you embark on a path towards a life where you can truly care for yourself without neglecting those you love. Send us a message or call us on 0478 876 678 to arrange a free intake call.